Learning and Education

UNISON recognises that our members are often held back at work and in society by a lack of skills, lack of training and lack of confidence.

We also know that women, part-time workers and those in low paid manual jobs are less likely to be involved in any learning programmes that are on offer from their employer. We aim to provide training for all our members to help with personal development, personal interest and academic qualifications, to enable career progression.

Learning doesn’t just mean vocational training – getting the skills needed to do a particular task or job – however important that is. UNISON means learning in the broadest sense, providing people with the skills and confidence to progress and participate at work, in the union, and in wider society.

We know that our members are often held back at work and in society by a lack of skills, lack of training and lack of confidence. We also know that women, part-time workers and those in low paid manual jobs are less likely to be involved in any learning programmes that are on offer from their employer.

The UNISON approach is to ensure that as many of our members as possible have opportunities for learning providing them with the skills and confidence to progress and participate fully at work, in society and in the union. Union learning reps (ULR’s), alongside the branch education co-ordinator, will have a key role to play in delivering this benefit for our members.

Take a look at what we offer ...

Online learning modules

UNISON produces e-notes – quick online modules on a variety of subjects. They can be taken by any member by logging into UNISON’s online learning site.

UNISON’s e-learning site

Dyslexia Awareness

This course is for Union Learning Reps who would like to learn more about supporting members with dyslexia.

Open University Awards

Are you feeling stuck in your current job? Explore what skills you have, how to make the most of them and how to develop new skills. Whether you want to learn for work or in your personal life, this on-line learning package is for you.

Open University (OU) Awards are available to UNISON members undertaking 30 and 60 point OU courses up to and including under-graduate level at their own expense. No awards are available for Masters Degree study or above.

Awards are made as follows:
◾60 point courses £120
◾30 point courses £60

Application form

Learning discounts for UNISON members

Members can get fee discounts for distance learning from:

National Extension College – 10% discount on all NEC courses including GCSE’s A-levels and vocational courses
ILEX Tutorial College  – 10% discount on law courses (excluding legal practice course or postgraduate Diploma in Law).
The Open College of the Arts – £50 off OCA tutored arts and craft courses for UNISON members and their families.
Birkbeck, University of London – 10% discount for union members

Short Course: Return to Learn

Return to Learn is a course designed for adults that may have been away from learning for some time. Members from all walks of life and work backgrounds have benefited from Return to Learn.

You’ll find it not only helps you in your job but also outside work with things like taking part in group activities, helping the kids with homework, getting yourself heard and finding new opportunities. Many members go on to take qualifications in English and maths and lots have found it a helpful route into further and higher education.

What’s in the course?

You will work through four units which have lots of short activities and assignments including problem solving, using a computer, discussions, team working, exploring points of view, everyday maths, improving note taking and writing, thinking about your future and much more.

For more information contact the Branch Learning Co-Ordinators, Helen Button and Vince Williams.

FREE Short Courses for UNISON Members

If you are interested in one of our one day courses , then keep an eye out for the new dates to be published shortly, or contact the Branch.