Save Lincolnshire Libraries Campaign

Lincolnshire County Council is proposing to shut 32 of 47 libraries and drastically reduce the mobile library service.

UNISON and the Save Lincolnshire Libraries Campaign are fighting these cuts but we need YOUR help. What can you do:

Print the attached posters and put them up around your workplace and local community – Download Poster

Print out the attached petition and collect as many signatures as you can from colleagues, friends, neighbours etc – Download Petition

Join the demonstration against the cuts outside County Offices, Lincoln at 9am Friday 13th September

Join the protest march in Lincoln from 12noon on Saturday 21st September (come as your favourite book character)

Spread the word to friends, colleagues and via social media

Sign the online petition here

Join the Save Lincolnshire Libraries Facebook group or go to the website to find out how you could get involved and help the campaign here